Electric Barbarella

That's interesting, because I am a woman and those are my favorite shows on TV right now, except for Community because I have not watched it, I guess.  

Honey Badger doesn't give a shit about this comment.

As a mother with a young daughter, I really fucking hate all this princess bullshit.  Your kid is not a princess, she's a spoiled brat who will fuck her way through life thinking, "why doesn't anyone love me?"  sorry off topic

This article is fucking awesome!  I crashed my car while listening to that Rancid Album.  So fucking punk rock.

Just saw the preview for that movie a few days ago and my husband says,"What is this, Rock em Sock em Robots: The Movie!?"  He makes me laugh.


Saw CSNand Young in 2000, and they were fantastic!  However, the show was a gift.  I would never have ponied up the money for this not knowing how the wheelchairs would work with the choreography.

Why would I want to go to a concert with my grandpa?

Why would I want to go to a concert with my grandpa?

There are billions of bacteria all over your body and your computer as we sit.

Sounds like they are just trippin' on shrooms.

Cytoplasmic streaming is the bomb!

Were the writers mostly men for that show?  

Because they get paid more!

Yes, men are constantly saying, "I've been inside hundreds of women!"

She won't leave me alone!

Shit yeah, Bromeo!


Parallel parking.

Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurpt.  She who smelt it, doth dealt it.