Electric Barbarella

Brown is black and it's time for a Sheen attack.

i was wondering when someone would bring up "Bored to Death" being a bad title for a comedy. anyhoo

Hello..o! Please look up "how to download shit from the internet". Maybe one of your geek friends could help you with that. You don't have to wait for content, although you may have to give up some quality.

Gee, thanks. Seems like the only thing the government wants to spend money on is weapons contracts. Okay, fine but let us cut corporate welfare first.


I swear to God, if you make me keep a baby I don't want I am going right on to welfare, you stupid republican asshole.

Right on horse!

Fuck the house. Cut the spending on their travel expenses. Cut the spending on THE LONGEST WAR EVER! Arrrrggggggggg. I am so tired of this government, but it's the only one we got.

"Butter up that bacon, boy!"

We have to hate someone!

There are no people who have money in China that let their hair go gray, so I have heard. It is very unappealing to have natural grey in Japan at least.

Should I be glad
I don't know Rebecca Black? Is that something I should explore?
On another note, is the price of micro brews going down based on the new tax decrease? Or will they fatten their pockets? Come on, pass the savings along!
I support local/small breweries.

Seriously, if he is outside enjoying his patio why would he have to put up with the crazy screams of these stupid birds. Should he have to stay inside? Should he just have to deal with it? Apparently these neighbors of his are the type of people that don't care about peace and quiet. And might I add that these

You just reminded me of my dream last night where my friend had this monkey. Dreams are weird because I never once asked, "Why the fuck does Joe have a monkey?" It was perfectly normal for someone to have a monkey.

Hey Jennifer
What is the impact of all those plastic water bottles on the environment? Just wondering if you could think about that while spending your millions.

I see you suffer from the same affliction.

Well, you are right. I am a bitch. If you want to hear from the nuns, go to the convent.

It's kind of like when you play your Micheal Jackson CD. You know he was a kid petter, but the songs were too good to abandon.
For the record, I think it's stupid for him to make a big deal about giving the money back. It's like me giving up my broke down toyota because I don't like Japanese fishing practices. That

A well thought out post/ question, but are we not here to be entertained? I found your post offensively truthful and thought provoking. Stop trying to make me think serious stuff, k?

I always thought it was Kadaffi. There was an interview with PBS that had his name spelled Kgadaffi. wtf?