Electric Barbarella

My dad died. Thanks for reminding me. But none of my family members have any idea who they are.

Note to all men:
Please read this
I hate when you say, "my buddy" came over, called me, told me, choked my junk. Just stop saying it. I want to sing that jingle from that creepy lifesize boytoy from the time when I was not old.

Look, if you don't like it you never will. No one cares.
Watch it, don't watch it and you still will be just fine. It's like how I have never seen Citizen Kane, I am still managing to exist.

Oh yeah little baby
You kept me up last night so here is my will leaving you everything. Now you get nothing you little…

Good for me, you are all asswipes and I have no money to give you so suck it losers.

Yeah, what the guy above me said. Plus, those people were fucking scary. Seriously. And that one of the only movies that was nominated that I actually fucking saw. I am poor and cannot afford to spend cash on movies and not food.

Has anyone you know ever succeeded at revamping their career after this much bad publicity, without Oprah? My advise to the man is go on Oprah and take responsibility for your bat shit crazy interviews. Blame it on the drugs, say you are sorry and you might have a career left. Otherwise, we would love to

@Poop, wow, I would think that meeting such an iconic TV creator would have been great, he must have been a complete cath bag. What did he say/or do that was so terrible?

Just watched Jackie Brown again and liked it so much better than when I saw it years ago. It was underrated after Pulp.

Is it me?
I really miss the hater.

I only saw the last thirty minutes, but I thought Franco might have had a few cocktails. He was mispronouncing words the same way I do after three dwinks, I mean drinks. He also looked a bit like death, his eyes were all dark. I did like Anne's kind of "young" attitude, she seemed to be having fun. She is light

What the fuck
Is an arcade fire?

South Park
Like the show or not, I appreciate that the guys allow their episodes to stream on netflix and other sites. We see that the Simpsons are rich as hell already, but they won't put the episodes out for free. I think it shows a level of appreciation for the fans that most creators take for granted. I picture

You are a cath bag.

who's takin bets
That there will be monkey poop in this movie? Monkey farts? Monkey humping? This thing just writes itself.

Look, he's a rich virgin. He has no clue what he is talking about. Rape happens for a reason, that is a very strange headline. I am pretty sure that AV club has no idea what they are talking about either. Everyone but me, shut the fuck up. Everyone but me is a complete fucking moron.

What was the comma movie. I thought those were real movies. Haha. I am the master idiot of the universe.

Son, you got a pantie on ur head.

Help! I farted and I can't get it up!

You don't get this generation.