Electric Barbarella

They have nasty candy around the house because it's cheap. They probably bought it at the dollar store and they don't think/care you will mind. Old people are cheap because they don't work, and other facts you don't need to know…

My kids keep asking my grandma when she is going to die.

Well, that's it. I'm out. If he says it's true it's true. Crystal Skulls was awesome, so I think he's totally right.

Well, that's it. I'm out. If he says it's true it's true. Crystal Skulls was awesome, so I think he's totally right.

Boob tube.

Louie! That show is funny. It's like a "poor" Curb. Sometimes it seems like a drama, but maybe the Mom episode was meant to be serious. "It's seriously funny. " "You will laugh and cry at the same time while spitting out your food and drink."

But did they spill the wine? Oh this is bad…

Rape music is scary. Just imagine being raped to Neil Diamond or something easy listening like that… On second thought, do not imagine yourself getting raped.

No mention of Leaving Las Vegas? I thought that was a favorite among you happening hipsters.

Don't chew cus around hem.

I had no idea either. I can never see things the same way after I hear about them on the interweb. Fuck. Why God why?

i noticed that most of the material was about TV shows. I was wondering would I think it was funny if I watched the other show…changes channel.

I already
Have a headache.

I feel the same way about Micheal Jackson. He kind of makes me sick, but those first albums are too classic to leave behind

I learned it from you Dad, I learned it from watching you.

35 mm in the house, can I get an amen? How many 35mm cameras do I have and not use? Answer more than six!

We got both kinds of music, country AND western!

I love it when
Tom Waits randomly shows up in movies.

Eggs and sausage, and a side of toast… And yes, the Bawlers disc from the set is good enough to make ya cry.

Yeah wet shit does a number on the electronics, sheesh