Electric Barbarella

I love myself
Because I have never heard these songs. I am awesome.

Know enough not to fool with em'.

Mommy loved this movie. I don't know what got into me, but I thought it was fucking hilarious. I could see why people would not like it, but I don't give a shit about any of them because I was amused. Fuck the critics. What was it Abe Lincoln said? Nobody ever made a statue of a critic.


When bad things happen to strange untalented Jesus freaks…

Yeah, the only place to run into crazy maniacs is on the bus, right? I think this game is really sick. Can I play?
So you are at a baseball game and the guy next to you says, hey you're a Baldwin, denounce Jesus or you have to suck my dick. What do you do? Get down on your knees and pray with your mouth wide open.

Liar, still laughing.


Is this…
fucking for real. Are you serious? Who are these bible freaks??? I would tell my daughter that Jesus knows your heart, there is not a single reason to die at the hands of a maniac. I wonder what kind of weird stuff he does in bed, he must be really depraved.

Sometimes the little description lines on the movie poster are funny too. "Excruciatingly funny!" Except I am lame because I can't remember what movie that was.

Who says OMG? I thought that was just to save typing time. Is that proving you are young or just a moron?

What? I thought
I thought HELL is for children.

I do think that he was pissed because Taylor Swift is sooooo white.

Muse sounds like Jeff Buckley meets metal band. Some good some meh.

I remember when watching MTV actually would learn ya something. Like dance styles and hair dos and what's cool. Now I think I am too old to care or those wacky kids are listening to what now? It just all sounds like clicks and whistles to me.

I like Keystone Light.

Hell is being forced to listen to the Grateful Dead.

That book is for old people.

Thanks, I thought you worked at a children's hospital.

first job
My first job when I was 16 was at a record store that didn't sell records, only tapes and CD in those long cardboard boxes. I was the age of Fugazi and Jawbreaker. One of my co-workers loved that song by Dramarama, Anything anything… etc, I can't remember the name of it right now. When I hear that song my