Electric Barbarella

hey at least you didn't have a bungee cord to hold your passenger door closed, malibu boy. that was my first ride.

Wasn't that Mayfield and not Curtis Blow?

I have always thought that Schwanard Shark was the best name ever.

She's like the Wind, now there's a great song for my funeral. I am still laughing at that.

Moving into my first place
Music has always been the backbone of my experiences. In 1993, I drove out to the middle of nowhere to rent a room down the mountain from Truckee, CA. I stood on the edge of a cliff and contemplated my unknown and optimistic future. I was amazed by the valley views and crisp cool mountain

Nope, I read the book first! Oh snap!

Second on VH, but also anything from Check Your Head.

I like it.

That is really gross. He is staring at that poor young man's buttocks. Creepy.

I don't know that one. Dish.

Why does everyone rave about that album? I am missing something.

I totally agree with Elliot Smith. First it was my sad time music and then he was killed very strangely. I wipe my tears with puppy rainbows.

I can predict the future
I know "Knowing" the movie is going to suck. I know it will make 2009's worst list. What was the last movie he was good in? Lords of War? ugh!

Death Wish 3
I fucking love that movie. I would rather watch a terrible action movie than a mediocre rom com.

Animal House, classic. Acting like a fucking douchebag is fine as long as you are too drunk to remember it.
Has anyone ever gone to a frat party like that where all the girls make out with all the guys? I thought those bitches were way too stuck up to make out so freely.

I had no idea how much it was going to suck.


Question: When is okay to talk during a movie?
A good friend of mine and I went to see Sex and the City the Lame Movie and thought it was terrible. We needed to talk about how terrible it was. I remember the women in front of us where very annoyed at our clever comments, but out of respect we shut up. At one point

yeah, but fall out boy got good reviews. i can't love that.

Yum, fish sticks!