Electric Barbarella

Nobody is ever "kind of a cunt". You are a cunt, or you are not a cunt.
There is no half-cunt.

Why all the hate for children? If you don't want em, don't breed. You can't tell me what to do, cuz, I do what I want. If I want to squeeze out a few adorable little brats that's my business. If you don't want anything to do with them, I wasn't fucking asking you.
Do you know that someone changed your

I am all for joyrides in golf carts at 3am with 20 beers in me and Madonna playing on the 10" speakers.

No! We need to take over Canada!

I admit that his humor is dry, like burned toast, but he IS clever. I did not laugh out loud at all the first time I saw him, either. I did laugh a little at the new show and one real laugh is worth millions these days.