
Archdukechocula, the point was - before everyone mashed the Rape Apologist button, which is pretty laffo - that people coming to conclusions on a 30 year old case that included testimony that may have been brought into question back in the day should perhaps be viewed with some measure of reserve.

Well played!

Go play on the Jump To Conclusions mat you obviously favour.

Rosemary's Baby is garbage. Chinatown is overrated.

I'm sorry, do you have a point? I guess we just unqualifiably accept anyone who says they were raped?

Heh. Funny how much people conclude from the above.

Morally Questionable
Roman Polanski:
[x] gave a 13 year old drugs and alcohol
[x] had sex with a 13 year old

Now I want to know how you got out
Interesting excerpt. It has a little bit of that trying-too-hard-to-be-edgily-amusing style instead of just letting the prose do its own thing, but it's still inherently readable. If I ever see this in a store in Australia, I may pick it up.

Mann's style
Yeah, sounds like the decision (faddish, in my opinion) to shoot digital instead of film has hurt Public Enemies unduly. Also, Bale better watch out or he's going to typecast himself as Mr Grumpy Pants.

Fair enough, Linguist. I just feel the few scenes I've seen have an unfinished and hurried look to them that actually just makes it look unprofessional. It works in certain movies, Collateral was a perfect fit for that raw immediacy of digital but just using it for everything you film from then on just seems a bit…

Digital cinematography
Phipps, do you reckon if this had been shot on film it would have been a better movie?

Darkman, now there's a CULT CLASSIC
Can't wait to read about that one. I rewatched it not long ago and boy oh boy has it aged terribly.

Waiting for the day that Glitterati leaks into the world somehow
I've wanted to see that ever since hearing that the amazing Victor segment was actually culled from an entire movie.


Also, good call on both Batmans
Burton's take was hugely influential on cinema at the time and on comic book movies in general and despite losing its way, the franchise came back to prominence is such a massive way with Begins that both deserve full appreciation.

Also, good call on both Batmans
Burton's take was hugely influential on cinema at the time and on comic book movies in general and despite losing its way, the franchise came back to prominence is such a massive way with Begins that both deserve full appreciation.

Also, good call on both Batmans
Burton's take was hugely influential on cinema at the time and on comic book movies in general and despite losing its way, the franchise came back to prominence is such a massive way with Begins that both deserve full appreciation.

What about…
Lord of the Rings! Peter Jackson took the helm after an animated version had already been released!

How about a podcast?

Um, TWBB has more than just an amazing performance - the themes of compulsive greed and identity are pretty profound ones for a character study and are very relevant in our society beyond the construction of the oil industry. At least I think so.