
Haven't seen the new episode yet, so you've got me there… I agree with what you're saying but the clarity of Peggy's story has definitely taken a step backwards since she changed agencies so I thought it might be possible the writers were letting us watch her unfold 'from afar' rather than up close.

Uh, could be wrong but I don't think Ted has a "crush" on Peggy. I think the not so subtle message there was that they are having an affair, thus affirming her trajectory towards female Don Draper status.

This just hangs on buffering for me. :(

I see Jesse agreeing to Mike killing Walt to close out the show. But then, I also see Walt dying of cancer, being riddled by bullets from a cartel hit, being taken to prison by Hank as well … so what do I know.  :)

Yes, I too am seeing AD s3 syndrome all over this.

Wasn't my intention to slam you on the comment, sorry if it came across a bit harsh.

lol we're clearly in the land of hyperbole now… Community is the comedy The Wire! What the fuck does that even mean.

Two things pervaded the first episode of this season:
1. Dan Harmon feels the impending cancellation and is embuing the season with a ton of (bitter) referential comedy regarding this, this sort of baggage was carried into the Arrested Development third season but it carried it off much better and fit it within the

Part 1 of how many…?
Jesus, in your attempts to make this a multi-part "Summer movies" piece you've included some real non-events in here.

"Why has no one mentioned the Paul Simon influences?!"

Miller, even.

Well done, Millar.

Juanito, fair comment in principle but if there isn't some level of mush (some could define mush as compliments, overt shows of affection, etc) then it can be difficult to separate the "constructive criticism" from just plain old "criticism", which then enters an antagonistic element to the relationship that can lead


The word itself makes some men uncomfortable.

Say, any of you boys smithies? Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts before straitened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wanderin'?

He has… Kudos. It's own reward!

Because she got a GREAT ASS

I'm seeing a humorous parallel between overlapping Venn diagrams and the lady in question.
