
We should petition Richard O'Brien to reprise his roll of Riff Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show and then have that character play Riff Raff, playing Franco, playing Riff Raff - Raffceptioned!

@avclub-b5706dc9508d67a01718c142ca80b8b4:disqus whoops, didn't read your post, apologies

sooo, this episode probably wasn't about this, and i'm probably reading too much into it, but like somewhere around 4/5ths of the guys i've ever dated have had serious problems with any form of pda (even incredibly innocent shit like holding hands or kisses on the cheek or dancing together in a non-gay club), add that

can't wait for the look on all the children's faces when they see the second movie in the franchise, in which people are ritualistically murdered and dissected by alien pig midgets

short answer: no, heck i even consider myself christian, but when the most powerful and outspoken leaders of Christianity stop condoning my death and sentencing my soul to eternal damnation over a harmless and uncontrollable aspect of my life and countless others' lives, then maybe i'll shed a tear for the poor poor

also, barney taught me, that when lost, to hug a tree and whistle, that way you won't get even more lost…now the question is how to find a tree in a desert…

breathing through your nose prevents dehydration? BOY SCOUTS HAS FAILED ME!!! *the more you know

damn you, this was my first thought Picard said that, stupid watching the episode nine months late, HA!

i love the reaction Picard has when the "oh shit" bar breaks off when the ship goes off course

no worries Deanna Troi, i find the Angosian prisoner sexy as well ha! his ass in that ripped up jump suit? DAMNNN!!! i'd be wanting to clear him of his criminal record too

"Perhaps Worf had displeased her" - all i could imagine when i read this line is Troi with a "tina turner from beyond thunder dome" haircut tapping her fingers together with a frown and saying in a deep masculine voice to a half naked and bloody worf "i am not pleased" HAHAHA! thank you Zack for making me laugh

Really frickin awesome movie!
i normally am not the biggest fan of gay cinema, but this movie was ridic sweet and amazing, and i kept hearing all these things about it being really gratuitous and disgusting, but there's basically no nudity at all, so go see it!

Tasha Robinson
i think i'm in love with you, the image of you and a bunch of friends making actual meat pies and singing God That's Good made me ridiculously happy, thank you

My Top 20
in no particular order:28 days later - Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Donnie Darko - Let the Right One In - Wall-E - Children of Men - The Royal Tennenbaums - Kung Fu Hustle - The Host - Dogville - Elephant - The Waking Life - Spirited Away - Das Leben Der Anderen - Der Baader Meinhof Komplex - Grindhouse -

Big Wolf On Campus
was the SHIT back in the day! mtv only wishes it could make as awesome of a series, boo ya!

unless i'm mistaken
the blanket thing is just Nausea for beginners, and i always thought the movie was just one big commentary or study of different existentialist theories as applied to real people, like the husband and wife were more or less Sartre, mark wahlburg was more of a humanist along the lines of camus and

oohhhh one more
i just looked up the lyrics for Kiss from a Rose and Jesus H Christos did i ever have them wrong, apparently it has nothing to do with Batman getting it on with Riddler…my childhood is ruined

the image of Ms. Gillette rubbing a big mac all over her body confuses my sexuality

i'm not stylish, "on the cusp" or discerning, i'm a terrible gay ): DAMN YOU UNATTAINABLE STEREOTYPE!!

out of all the stupid ass shit the religious fucks of the world pull, that video is the worst of the worst, it literally makes me want to vomit. for a good 37 seconds i remembered what it was liketo be that age, and even though i had no fucking clue what gay was, all i knew is that it was the worst thing