
who's that absurdly cute guy in the back with a really tight (white?) collared shirt on?

does Onion, Inc. require all white male employees to wear those glasses, or is it just a hipster thing?

i love you so much
ms. gillette, even though whever i read your name i think about shaving, acutally, i love you for that too

I have a request
for a gateways to geekery column: Lowbrow. I don't know if this a music genre so much as a culture in and of itself, but whatever. The term came from this article that was written in an atlanta culture rag called Creative Loafing (or, at least, that's where i first heard the term). They loosely

my image isn't pornographic enough too be deleted, i don't know whether to be happy or sad

SO yeah
i actually really like mostly everything Wolowitz wears, then again, since most people would classify everything i wear as "costumey", i guess that really isn't a compliment

i know you mentioned it already…
but that Peru comment fucking floored me

yeah so
i just spent a day watching all of the first season and just got finished with the second, and i don't know if this has been brought up, but does anyone else find Sheldon ridiculously attractive?

Andy, you are awesome!
absolutely none of my friends see how legitimately warm Gummo is at times, granted there are some disturbing as hell scenes (i still can't watch the cat drowning scene), but at the end of the movie all i wanted was a bike a best bud and a lazy summer afternoon

Spider One
you know, the lead singer of PM5K with the ridiculous alias and brother to Rob Zombie, wait you don't know who that is? Oh, well, yeah i still kinda think he's hot, although i don't listen to his music anymore (As far as you guys know)

This isn't an OLD cult classic, but…
Battle Royale by Does It Offend You Yeah is an extremely badass song

right there with you Dino

i said the exact same thing after i heard the beakman reference

first of all, you pretty much have to be cautious when referencing anything germanic, not just their fairy tales, when it comes to inadvertent antisemitism (Nosferatu anyone?)


God Hates Me
so, as i was reading this article, said song started playing on VH1, is this a sign i should end my life?

he looks a bit like Jack Black in that picture, right?

i have spent time in vienna, and sorry, i didn't mean average, i really meant more of ideal, or stereotypical, and most of those people from the balcans and eastern europe are looked down upon in vienna, the same way they are in most countries in the EU, they have to face the same prejudices and poverty that many

Lost in Translation
Ok, so i saw the original a few years ago as part of a german film class i was taking for my german major. Because of this i spent half the time reading the subtitles and the other half trying to not read the subtitles. So in this sense i'm very happy that there is an english remake, but i feel