
Was Guadiana nominated? Because deadpool was funny but it wasn't funnier than say Guardians..

This is something I've always said of walking dead. The script dictates the characters, not the other way around. There is no such thing as motivation in this show

At this point, it's barely even iCarly.

Insecure and unloved, party of one. Always a party of one

Ew women!

Especially with J-Lo

But kid rock has always been terrible

They discussed it on the ride to the challenge, during it and in talking heads. The issue most probably have was that it was a black guy vs a white guy. White guy won

To be fair, a big part of the promotion for the show at the very beginning was, "OMG! Look at what Felicity is doing with her mouth to that guy!"

She also makes EP money. That's her per episode as an actor. She makes bank on reruns thanks to the EP credit.

Aww, at least give Mom a chance.

To me she's at least the best part of the show(whatever value that has…) but it's much worse that Galecki and Parsons make more than all those people put together. Galecki especially brings nothing to the show and Parsons basically started the whole "haha autism, so funny. but no he isn't autistic, he's just special"

I don't think anyone's said it until Ghost of Eazy E.

Why is Joel Kinnanman making more than Naomi Wyatts and Daniel Craig himself? Those two are movie stars…And yeah Kinnaman has been in movies too but mostly as "bland co-star"(he hasn't been "bland lead" since the robocop flop)

With both shows coming off their weakest seasons(Arrow's wasn't weak, it was just BAD) and Legends of tomorrow never moving "this is okay tv"….maybe they should stop making shows and focus on what they have.

In one of the comics, there was an overweight clone.

Why is Batman wearing a trench coat? I'd like a trailer with people smiling…There has to be at leas five seconds of it…

I'm pretty sure it's called aging.

Plot twist the Cole we saw in the flash forward was just a Cole from a different dimension.

It's 100% Cole's baby now, not even a question.