
Rachel Bloom is no Gina Rodriguez in terms of "breakout star"…There is something about her that just rubs me the wrong way(and the entire show, really and I'm pretty open in terms of shows I watch).

I'm curious, but do Sad Puppies like Orphan Black? It's a female centric show that focuses on gender and identity but it's cult sci-fi catnip.

You mean one of the best episode centers around one of the best working actresses today and not the poorly written characters who's actors range from "okay they're decent" to "how did they get a job"(I'm looking at you Laurel!)…You don't say.

Whenever the show deals with spies/black-ops conspiracy it's terrible. Whenever they make Fitz noble, it's terrible. Stick with election rigging and judge smothering please.

A detective who doesn't play by the rules!? What will they think of next?

So the Island meets Orphan Black minus all originality.

It's crazy, it's like she's AGED in the 20+ years since, like some sort. of..aging thing….I'm not sure what they're called though…

How is Iris bad?

Ha, 100% agree with you. And given he added nothing to the story, it just felt strange.

Wow, hardly. We got Mills sister drama which takes it out of that realm.

I thought the actress who played the mother wasn't great until the very end, when she got to play more of a character than a cliche.