...with club sauce


If you didn't like Michael & Michael, you can just go fuck yourself, sir.

We're doomed!

YO, seriously.  That would be weird.

mekka lekka hi mekka hiney ho

Still waiting on that "Lana Del Rey Does Something '…with club sauce' Cares About" headline…

Assholes, that's who.  Giant, gaping buttholes like Russell Brand and his "comedy".

They're going to be starting a new service where they'll begin streaming quality content.  You'll have to go to a completely different site to view the content and it'll also cost you another $10 a month.


Let's see who can finagle their itunes playlist the bestest!

I love wubstep!

Pffft, books?  Really?

I dig the record, but I really don't like the serrated screamy thing dude tries to pull off.

Doo Doo Doo Doo DooDoo Doooooooo
Doo Doo Doo Doo DooDoo Doooooooo 
Doo Doo Doo Doo DooDoo Doooooooo 
Doo Doo Doo Doo DooDoo Doooooooo

Yeah, I don't like having to watch more than three episodes before I totally dismiss a show either.


Just wait for Lost-esque flashback of Soto getting kidnapped or whateverthefuck happened to him.  I swear it'll probably be cool.  I am, in all honesty, pretty curious about what happened to him…

I think it's a cool show too.  I think people are jumping the gun on putting it down, but shit man, this is the AV Club, it's what we do.

pfffft, guess you've never been to prison.  that's EXACTLY what it's like there.

I found this whole episode pretty creepy.  I think that's one of the things the show has going for it.