...with club sauce

Sweet, more music made by Eddie Vedder that I won't like at all.

like netflix for your cell phone?

That is just plain false.  Shame on Steve Hyden, shame on him real good.

What an empathetic person you are to feel sorry for someone who does not know the CEO's of various file-sharing sites!

Way to not keep me well-informed, jerks.

And all I'm saying is P4K4LYF

Yeah, it's really tough having to clean out my pants every time I listen to Veckatimest.  It's not like the band is just really good or anything, but because Pitchfork said I should like them.

I approve of this.

wait wait wait…

Fox News have a black man on retainer to certify each and every white person that works there.  After a 30 day training period, if they pass the assessment, they're given a laminated Hood Pass.  Real talk.

Just like Jay-Z said last week, "Bitches be unauthentic."

I concur.

I really dug these first two episodes.  I think they showed enough to keep me interested.  Once they move past the criminal-of-the-week format, which I'm sure they will, this show could definitely resonate on a level similar to Lost.

Yeah, this is the first time Portlandia has made me laugh substantially and multiple times in a single episode.  Goldblum was awesome the bad tattoo sketch was hilarious.  I liked how the tattoo of Vedder was playing two tambourines, and the cut changes in music from Carrie's date music to Pearl Jam whenever the tat

I feel like the AV Club staff have this great, big book of Madlibs, and every time they play, the person's name is always James Franco, and the rest they just bullshit.  The finished Madlib then becomes the day's Newswire.

Praise be television!

Ordinary fucking people, right?

we do, we're just not braggarts about it.

You probably heard that on Chelsea Lately.

except when he gets sick, then he sounds like the rusty trombone.