...with club sauce

it's really good.  hopefully the new record is equally as good, if not better.

*runs into the room*

I just want my kids back.

Aw, man!

I got the reissue of Dusk at Cubist Castle on vinyl and it is awesome.

"Sorta crappy"? No.  *All of the crappy.

I actualy agree with you wholeheartedly, Neckbeard.

I'm a huge fan of Das Racist, but this mixtape is awful.  Really terrible stuff. Stoked for Heems' mixtape though.

I just ordered this today.  I had no idea he had a new film out.  I loved Suicide Club, Strange Circus, and Noriko's Dinner Table.  Never saw the hair extensions movie though… Anyone know if it's worth seeing?

Hook, Line, and Scissor

"Here you go, guys, a cover by some brooklyn fucks you've never heard of."

+1 for The Sucklord Show.

Ball and scrotes.

As a person who isn't Young, I thought Young's show was awful.  He hung shirts on a line with pictures of his dead father.  I get it, it's sad, but it doesn't work for me on an artistic level.  To me it's just a dead guy's belongings in a room arranged in an aesthetically "pleasing" way.

As an American, by everyone, I meant everyone in America.

I just got Android 4.0 on my Nexus S and that shit is ridiculous.

Because literally everyone has iphones now.


Hot Beef Injection

She's in desperate need of an HBI.