...with club sauce

I think the best part of the episode was when Travis is eating ice cream in the living room and gives some to the cat, then it's revealed that he killed a couple people to squat in their house. Nothing too spectacular, but a nice touch.

I just hate Young.  I want to believe that he is a jerk.

I thought it was pretty disgusting that Lola was putting in her negative two cents on Dusty's piece, and also the shot of Young rolling his eyes when the judges were complimenting it.  It seemed like last season's artists had a bit more of a mutual respect for one another, whereas this season, people be hatin'.

Anyone but Young I'm cool with winning.

Tobias, you blowhard!


What's your glitch, Gene?

dick cream.


So that's what the bottom of the barrel looks like…

You are forgiven.


I agree.  It's all butt cheeks and side boobs.  I want to see vagina. Out of morbid curiosity, of course…

He never actually read the T2 novelization.  He was just saying that to impress us.

Jonathan Davis' "House of Shayme"

Thank you, thank you.

I'm not even mad about this.  The original is very good, but it did a lack a certain… how do you say? Consumption of chocolate-covered urinal cakes.

I'm not even mad about this.  The original is very good, but it did a lack a certain… how do you say? Consumption of chocolate-covered urinal cakes.

How about you just don't have Michele Bachmann on the show ever again, forever?

Don Delillo writes the greatest sentences I have ever read.  His style is just so fluid and gorgeous.  I've read all of his novels except for End Zone, and the last 100 pages of Ratner's Star, which I found insufferable; beautifully written, but terribly boring.