...with club sauce

I just appreciated the darker direction that Avey took, but I think they're both enjoyable records for sure.

Your opinion is stupid.

I am very happy about this.  I wasn't that impressed with Panda Bear's last record, but I did really enjoy Avey Tare's solo effort.


i giggle every time i see your username.

Ah, Fox News… The beacon of sanity in an ever-increasingly insane world full of indoctrinated hippies who watched too many episodes of Captian Planet, thus driving them to Occupy in protest of big business, self-governed banks, and the A-Okay oil corporations who have never done anything wrong. Ever.

You're a pretty narrow concept.

Season one of Weeds was good because the concept of a suburban mother trying to keep her family afloat by selling marijuana cigarettes while her kids spiral out of control, and she tries to not get caught was interesting, and there was plenty of material to work with as well as other interesting places to take the

False.  Weeds stopped being good after season one.

Dexter is awful and you should feel awful for saying what you just did.

ha-haaaa, ha-haaaa

I truly hope the irony of who is depicting the character in your avatar is not lost on you.

You guys have IMAX now?

There really is no greater insult to a Philadelphian than to associate us with New Jersey in any way.

I wonder if Sean wears CLAD…

you mean overrated.

…and the dissemination of the samizdat.


Double wrong.

I heard a Scientologist say the same thing.