Space Costanza

Well, was it hard, or not?

OH MY GOD! Hipster D-Bag ate a slice of pizza near the Port Authority! He's SUCH A HIPSTER!

Space Costanza can't stay away from the holodeck!

Yeah, why is "little people" LESS offensive? Didya ever think about that? I mean, they're comparing you to people… by saying you're smaller. I don'tknow. Just seems offensive to me. I'd be offended!

Geez, sorry Space Costanza mentioned it!

Space Costanza calls bullshit.

Awww, but that mountain of skulls had a view of Blood Lake!

But on the plus side, they do wind up killing Ro offscreen eventually… so, she gets what's coming to her! SHE GETS WHAT'S COMING TO EVERY WOMAN WHO SLEEPS WITH RIKER!!!

MacDuff is a Space-Costanza!
He just shows up one day and acts like he's supposed to be there!

A race of people bred to have no career doubts?
It's like the opposite of Space-Costanza!




You're in latex! I don't know! You manufacture it!

File that under "cookie monster classics"

It's kind of hard — that scene is SO incredible and so perfect it kind of makes up for all the rest of the episode's shortcomings. It's like everything prior to that is the build-up. But not a straight comic build-up… a build-up with a lot of asides and tangents, that, if anything, makes the astoundingness of the

One of the great scenes in all of sitcom history.

Whaddaya mean "if he had a decent counselor on the ship?" Are you trying to imply that maybe Troi just showed up one day saying she's the ship's counselor, and just no one's ever called her on it?

Imagine if they paired him up with the girl who planned Ann on "Arrested Development".

Well, it could have gone worse: