
Welp. "I am Noam Chomsky's daughter, and I'm here to tell you he collects advent calendars" is officially the funniest/weirdest comment in AV Club history.

This is honestly adorable.

He actually addressed this at Comic-Con, and said that he thought 70mm make the interior shots feel much more intimate. He also said he intentionally wanted to combat the idea that only sweeping landscape shots deserve 70mm.

That's the name that immediately popped to mind for me. The combination of wisdom, compassion and strength of character is really inspiring.

I'm honestly curious what your definition of "criticism" would be then. Art criticism is inherently political. Do you honestly believe that when a show focuses an episode on rape accusations, that it is appropriate or desirable or even possible to review the episode without talking about the political implications?

Exactly, we're in agreement then. It's perfectly appropriate for a reviewer to focus on the political implications of an episode. It's just not was YOU like. But don't act like she's not doing her job. A reviewer's job is to talk about politics and culture.

I'll start to sound like a broken record here, but again, my point was that "review and criticism" = discussion of politics. Especially when a piece of culture so directly tackles a contentious political issue.

There is literally no difference between a review and talking about how a show makes you feel. A review is a critic telling you about how something made them feel. In this case you apparently disagree with how they felt, but again, that has nothing to do with whether or not this was a "proper" review.

Oh good, let's bring the Gamergate school of criticism to the AV Club. No talk about politics! Just describe the camera angles, damn it!

My name is Jamie so reading through ASOIAF was quite the rollercoaster. He's probably one of my all-time favorite characters now, though.

My wife and I chose "Challengers" for our wedding song. The lyrics are melancholy, but it's still a beautiful song, and the phrase "we are the challengers of the unknown" seemed perfect for marriage.

It's not doing a very good job of that.

Back to the drawing board, @avclub-455d35ab9181666567642b0ea8870573:disqus .

I look forward to this album appearing on 90% of the A.V. Club's year end lists, with all the writers carefully acknowledging how off-base this review is.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Vancouver Sensation?  Google's no help on this…

Seth Rogen: [Laughs].

Who says a roofie wasn't involved?

Supposedly bear meat can be really hit or miss, as bears can have vastly different diets.  If you get a bear that's been feeding on berries and whatnot, it can be delicious.  If it's been eating dead fish on the other hand…

Is your cum-suitor the person trying to get your cum, or the person you're trying to give your cum to?

Yeah, @Scrawler2:disqus is right.  He wasn't talking about the theatre.  He was talking about the transition kids make when they're around two years old (or maybe earlier) - they go from being blobs you need to feed and bathe to actual little people with agency and a personality.  He wasn't saying that he just started