
We're gonna need a bigger like button.

I don't think so.  Sansa and Robb look like Tully's, for instance.

What if it's just about Locke trying to extort Tywin?  So he does it without Bolton's knowledge, but he figures that if Bolton or Robb do find out they won't give a shit because it's just the Kingslayer.  I dunno.

Will no one think of the misogynists?

Honestly, the first three books work almost as a standalone trilogy.  A lot of the major plot and character arcs are brought to logical endings, and then new stories start in books 5 and 4.  So I think you'll be very satisfied!

Warren doesn`t even call it rap music, he calls it CRAP music!



I just have to say that the whole "please, call me…" bit was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.  Not only does it put this CBB in "the best" for this week, it was one of the funniest episodes of the year.

I just have to say that the whole "please, call me…" bit was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.  Not only does it put this CBB in "the best" for this week, it was one of the funniest episodes of the year.

The Happy Endings CBB wasn't the best, but it's worth listening to just to hear Aukerman's frustration with Pally and Wilson refusing to play improv games properly.

The Happy Endings CBB wasn't the best, but it's worth listening to just to hear Aukerman's frustration with Pally and Wilson refusing to play improv games properly.

I would like to give a hearty "boo" to no Canadian cities being on this list.

I would like to give a hearty "boo" to no Canadian cities being on this list.

The funny thing is it would be incredibly easy to just present the politics as a simplistic "Communism sucks!" outlook, which seems like it would still play pretty well in the US.  It would still be bullshit, of course, but not quite as much bullshit, maybe?

The funny thing is it would be incredibly easy to just present the politics as a simplistic "Communism sucks!" outlook, which seems like it would still play pretty well in the US.  It would still be bullshit, of course, but not quite as much bullshit, maybe?

My lawyer skills so rarely come in useful at the AV Club, but here we go.

My lawyer skills so rarely come in useful at the AV Club, but here we go.

Dude, those first 3 aren't even jokes.  If you're going to be offensive just to get a reaction, at least try to be funny.

Jumping on the dogpile
I agree with pretty much everything said here, re: the visceral power of the scene, the effectiveness of the style, and the general obnoxiousness of Mike's writing and argument.