Robo Redneck

Bogus Journey is pretty rad, chock full of good gags and fun plot contrivances. And the thought of Poison lyrics being the ticket to heaven always makes me laugh.

It's the kind of thing I enter when a website asks for an email address before I can comment.

Sean: when this movie comes out, can you be the reviewer? I love AA Dowd and all, but this has to be yours. It's your great white whale.

A personal favorite of mine is Archer's little giggle.

What is Blockbuster gonna do with all their movies? Sell them for pennies on the dollar?

Yeah, why does the Terminator need a reboot? And much as I love Arnie, how could they possibly dress him up to look like a killer robot? This seems like a fraught enterprise.

Kids are fucking psychopaths.

E-cigs will never, ever be cool.

So it goes.

I'm strangely unsettled by the thought of "black clown".

Maybe I think the opinion is pathetic, but don't feel the need to elucidate every reason why, either a) because other people have already done so, or b) because it's self-evidently absurd. In which case, downvote!

The other babe is way better. Plus, less duplicitous.

Much as I love being contrarian and shit, I must agree. Casablanca's pretty good.

Taco Bell is the only place where I can satisfy my Mountain Dew: Baja Blast cravings.

Well, giving a cause to something as patently impossible as animated dead tissue is an exercise in futility.

The Fast and the Bourneous!

If we're talking about on the sly…

I've been playing pokemon silver at work the last few days. I'm not proud of it. Whenever someone enters my cube, I have to do a real quick minimize. Not only would I get in trouble for not working, but the reason I'd be in trouble would be so embarrassing.

Seriously, a lot of dick heads up in here. Everyone I know knows that it's Cal.

I'd let Katy Perry smuggle my seed.