Robo Redneck

Everybody is out of their minds. Stop getting outraged by ridiculous shit!

Why is that so damn funny?

In all seriousness (not seriously), if Batman got a boner in his suit is there…room? Would it just smoosh up against the front? sounds painful.

They're both very good!

I've seen a lot of these ranking threads recently; what's the point? Every single one of their movies is very good, and they have a handful of masterpieces. I hate this obsession with ranking shit.

No Country is a no-bullshit masterpiece. I hope you've revisited it at some point.

Agreed on both counts. After Sacrilege was released, I got insanely excited for the rest. And it was just…meh. Though Despair is a good song.

Haha, okay, you obviously have an axe to grind with them. Diff'rent strokes.

And I realize there isn't any hip hip on my list. I know I'm white, and I know I suck.

FIDLAR is the first album that I've ever felt too old for, despite the fact I'm 23 goddamn years old. But fuck it, it's so much fun.

I haven not listened to those guys yet (there's just so much damn music in the world!). I'll try to give them a go tomorrow, thanks for the suggestions.

Darkside is sort of a late addition for me, I haven't wrestled with it too much, but I like listening to it while working. They feel groovier than RAM, which is just too damn bloated for me. My favorite track on Psychic is probably Paper Trails.

Who ARE these people?!

Mikal Cronin is a huge snub. MCII is top three for me.

Seriously. Fuckin' Fall Out Boy?

Bands I saw live this year:

Heartthrob is great. Drove Me Wild might be the best song of the year.

The National does nothing for me. Would it kill them to ever have a hook?

Mostly don't agree with this list, but whatever, tastes diverge.

I'd say that movie is a tacit endorsement of Creedence Clearwater.