Robo Redneck

I've seen Strike Back a couple times and was pretty impressed with it. Hard to justify paying for Cinemax though.

Both movies are really good (especially MI:4). People buried Reacher before they even saw it, but it's really solid. I basically agree 100% with the Vern review of it.

Yeah, I liked Safe a lot. Kind of stupid at times, but it knows what its priorities are, which is Jason Statham kicking ass.

Gonna have to disagree with you there, Day of Reckoning is pretty awesome. I don't know what I was expecting, but Gaspar Noe influences were not it. And that long-take fight scene in the cave at the end was fucking brilliant.

Of those, I've seen Dredd, Parker, Haywire, Safe, and the Expendables.

I tried to like Parker, I really did. But honestly, it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The plot was pretty much nothing, the acting sucked, and there was a twenty minute scene of J-Lo showing Jason Statham real estate in Florida.

Man, Peter Weir is such an undercover good director.

You're joking right?

Really like this article. As someone who really likes no-frills action movies, it saddens me that Hollywood has all but abandoned the formula that makes action movies work. But Ignatiy is absolutely right, these DTV movies really pick up the slack. Scott Adkins is a fucking god, and so is Florentine. And as long

If that's true, bravo. I'd put that on my resume.

Yeah, Not Another Teen Movie ruined the "ugly-pretty" girl cliche for me.

I heard that rumor about hair growing back thicker, which is why I always hesitated to shave my pubes, because they were already pretty out of control and I didn't want to make it worse.


Good lord, these arguments were tiresome in 2008.

I'm usually not a big Wes Anderson guy, but this looks pretty good. Ralph Fiennes is just the coolest motherfucker in the world right now.


Slight inconsistencies with geography does not ruin a movie, especially a movie as well-plotted, well-directed, well-scored, and well-acted as Jurassic Park. Swear to God, the internet is lousy with nitpickers.

Wait, that makes no sense.

That's fucking awesome.

The D is silent, hillbilly.