"The supporting cast—which includes Sam Neill, Vinnie Jones, Vincent D’Onofrio, and Jim Caviezel" - Okay, I'm there.
"The supporting cast—which includes Sam Neill, Vinnie Jones, Vincent D’Onofrio, and Jim Caviezel" - Okay, I'm there.
Yep. Really want to see this. Steve McQueen is freaking great, and everything about this sounds like a truly powerful experience.
Frankly, I'm more flattered by downvotes than by upvotes.
Hot time! Summer in the city. Da da da da da da da pretty.
I knew he was alive! And, uh, posting on Avenged 7fold message boards!
I could rag on "All of My Love" or "Glory Days", even though I like both Zep and The Boss.
Can telekinetics use their power to masturbate without using their hands? That's what I want to know.
FX is just snatching up all the shows.
Wasn't he in that one gangster movie everyone liked, whatchamacallit, uh Gooddudes or whatever.
It's actually his favorite band.
Honestly, this sounds like a more interesting project. I love Saul, but I don't need a show about him.
Well if you were seeing the band, they might play Titus Andronicus Vs. the Insane Universe, the only lyrics of which are "I'm going insane."
I always thought the rift between Frodo and Sam in the movie felt entirely manufactured and not true to the characters.
Goddamn, that is horrifying.
Long as we're talking Simpsons, how about that episode where Homer and Mr. Burns are trapped in a cabin in the mountains due to avalanche. Things got out of hand quickly in that one.
I don't think I ever want to re-read Gramma.
Yeah, it's some really fucked up shit.
Same anthology:"Longer than you think dad! It's infinity in there!"
Refuse-to-kill credos are the worst. Sometimes people just need to get got.