Robo Redneck

What on Earth could a dildo machine be?

God, that shit-eating grin right before…you know.  Love it.

Burn After Reading rules!  Not every movie can be Fargo or No Country.

I didn't know about Gary Glitter's…proclivities…until this thread.  But it's not going to stop me from playing Rock and Roll pt. 2 at full volume at 8 am on Sunday mornings to wake up all my roommates.

Panic Room is a fantastic little thriller.  Dwight Yoakam fucking owned.

I just have no idea what they were trying to accomplish with The Game.  It doesn't make a lick of sense, from either a plot or characterization stand point.

No Country is a bonafide masterpiece.  Tommy Lee Jones' last monologue is one of the most powerful things ever put to film.

There is zero homophobia in Ender's Game.  Zilch.

I could maybe take down an entire case if I started at noon and had plenty of energy drinks on hand.  But I have no idea why I would do something so self destructive.

Bacon beef n' cheddar sandwiches are fucking awesome and I'll hear nothing to the contrary.

How could we possibly measure that?  Unless you have access to some sort of alternate-reality observer device, in which case…can I borrow that?

That's quacktastic. 

This makes me feel bad about liking alcohol.  But boy-howdy do I like it.

I thought they were castles in Rohan.

Where does Paranoid Park fit in?

Dowd is really growing on me with these hatchet-job reviews.  This line especially: "Are the Red Bull-and-vodkas served in hollowed-out Fabergé eggs?"

Wow, that's great.

The old man eating soup video made me fucking cry laughing.

