"This jury is hung!"
"This jury is hung!"
Wow really? Fuck that.
Alright, sounds like it's bad form. Luckily I have multiple shirts.
Women, amirite? thread
You did NOT just say that.
Funyuns dude.
J for life, bitches.
I've got some really weird wound on the back of my neck. It bled a lot, and didn't close up for an abnormally long time. Now there's a gross red blob there that looks pretty angry. I don't know what in the hell caused it, but I want it to go away. Not sure how to do it though; go at it with a scalpel? Yuck.
College Football!
"This is Agent Johnson…no, the other one."
Alright, here's a question for the masses.
Haha, I wonder how long this interview took.
Y'know, I've always wondered what that actress looked like when not made-up to look all meth-whorey.
I figured the disability aspect was initially used as another part of Walt's life where he needs more money. Yet another reason to get in the meth game.
Re: repercussions:
Nah, he's right. It's kind of disrespectful, and us non-Star Trek watchers don't like it.
I will say this for Dowd: the man can write a take-down review with the best of 'em.
Kids love it!
It's trenchant warfare.