
I'm going to assume that the decision to show the characters as lifeless dolls is a metaphor for the season itself.

I've been meaning to leave a few comments here for a while. That just seemed like as good an opportunity as any.

I kind of think that the whole season has been building towards this.

More action doesn't automatically mean the themes weren't there. But they weren't.

Yeah, I'm with Sonia on this one in that I definitely preferred "The One with the Thumb" to "The One with the Sonogram at the End" (God, this show's episode titles are a pain to type out).  One thing I loved about "Thumb" is how the characters have seemingly been making fun of annoying traits that Monica's boyfriends

Sure, its worth discussing. But preferably people would comment with more insight than "OMG this show sux!!!1"


The Friends pilot actually tested really poorly, despite getting picked up. The research report from the initial airing is here http://www.thesmokinggun.co… (a good read if you're as obsessed with this show as I am).

HIMYM *was* a better show. It has fallen well below the level of even the worst seasons of Friends at this point.

"That is so not true. That is so not… That is so not… Oh, shut up!"

@avclub-5fdffef6b19aea41a1411580d7de4422:disqus I was semi-joking.

Yeah, that's the broadcast version (Which I'd argue is superior, as the longer cuts just lead to Arrested Development season 4-esque flabbiness. Hell, they even switched back to the shorter cuts for the blu-rays).

Favorite episode: Remedial Chaos Theory

There are many, many places on the internet that do exactly that. Despite what you may believe, Community has always tried to be more than entertaining fluff (at least in the first 3 seasons. And if it's stopped doing that, it's worth discussing why), and some of us like a more in depth insight. If you don't like

Just imagine how many cups of coffee the Friends friends would spend their tax refunds on.

RIP Nathan Rabin's classic Simpsons reviews.

With such a great cast and premise, I desperately want this to be good. But the trailer is just dreadful.

I wasn't going to before, but now there's a genuine part of me that wants to give this an A just to piss you off.

"At this point, Glee kind of feels like a series that debuted three years ago to huge critical acclaim, aired a number of adored episodes, then courted a sizeable critical backlash"

Fawlty Towers please.