
Oh yeah, that would be great.

Pitch Perfect was awesome. I don't understand why people would hate it.

People are entitled to hate the finale all they want (an opinion I would strongly, strongly disagree with), but at least get the facts right. Then they just look like idiotic raging internet fanboys. Which they probably are.

Yes, it's very good.

I'm a die hard Lost fan and will defend just about everything the show ever gets criticised for (including the finale)

I love Parks and Rec, but 30 Rock deserves the full hour tonight.

Amber and the Bravermans.

Can you not use ratings relative to the average ratings of the network? Cable shows have an unfair disadvantage.

No, she didn't.

@avclub-3bba234e1ac36e26c0f2ec8ae1e2df97:disqus yes, one thousand times this.

Did you? It seems pretty clear that the target of the joke in this is Lena Dunham and people like her. She is addressing the widely made criticisms of season 1 on racial grounds, while ALSO making a meta point about the show and the people who make it. 30 Rock does this kind of thing all the time and no-one complains

People complain that Lena Dunham is a racist for not featuring any major characters who aren't white. She then corrects this problem, and people say she is just "proving a point". She can't win.

Just tell us how the running jokes were, VanDefWerff, God!

There is a Newsroom shaped hole in this list.

There is a Newsroom shaped hole in this list.

1. Louie
2. Girls
3. New Girl
4. Community
5. Cougar Town
6. Suburgatory
7. Parks and Rec
8. Happy Endings
9. 30 Rock
10. Apt 23

1. Louie
2. Girls
3. New Girl
4. Community
5. Cougar Town
6. Suburgatory
7. Parks and Rec
8. Happy Endings
9. 30 Rock
10. Apt 23

But here's the real question: is it as good as the Angel finale?

But here's the real question: is it as good as the Angel finale?