Also, I wonder if it was deliberate that Mr. Boxleitner forgot that B5 actually ran 5 seasons? (Or is he just counting the 4 seasons that he was on?)
Also, I wonder if it was deliberate that Mr. Boxleitner forgot that B5 actually ran 5 seasons? (Or is he just counting the 4 seasons that he was on?)
I'm grinning from ear to ear as I read this. Whoever you are, brave soul, you made a man happy today.
Well, there's the fact that it's also a fun space adventure with likable characters and a cool universe. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Another argument against DS9 that drives me nuts is formulated as follows:
What's 'TWOP'?
'Bread and Circuses'. Really, they were trying too hard to have a Twilight-zone style twist in that one. See also 'Let That Be Your Last Battlefield'.
I can't say that I care for the variety of humor where someone does something outrageous in front of ordinary passersby, and they react with incredulity.
Ugh. "The Way to Eden" was a tragedy, alright, but not in that way.
The claim that Spock created the Kobiyashi Maru wasn't original with Star Trek XI, but I don't remember where it's originally from.
Preface it with an @ symbol.
And played by Suzie Plakson, who was always a treat to watch in any of her Trek incarnations.
Agreed on 'Tuvix'. That last scene is arguably the moment in the series when Janeway's sociopathy shines the brightest.
I like 'Warlord' a lot. There's some really nice acting my Jennifer Lien in that one.
I don't get why everyone seems to hate 'Time's Orphan' so much. I found it quite lovely.
It just goes to show that a Star Trek show centered around two groups with different underlying philosophies and martial histories who are obliged to work together due to force of circumstances is rife with dramatic potential!
He grows the beard before losing the hair, but it's only for a few episodes that he's rocking the beard plus hair combo.
TNG and Voyager didn't have any Mirror episodes, though.
One thing that I like about Half a Life is that they get the 'Picard hiding from Lwaxana' out of the way immediately, and then move on to the main plot. Unusually for a Lwaxana episode, the joke is funny and doesn't outstay its welcome.
I miss you, Delenn. You were the heart of what at times could be a really beautiful show.