That's ok. I can just entertain myself by putting on some opera.
That's ok. I can just entertain myself by putting on some opera.
I'd hate to give the obvious answer, but I'm going to have to go with Orion. For the girls, anyway, and they're the only Orions that I care about.
The 'remember Data' scene most certainly was not good. The cast all look tired, unhappy, and depressed; not because Data had just died, but because they knew they were in a terrible film with a subpar director. It was exactly the opposite of the parallel scene in TWoK, where the tone was bittersweet; sad, but laced…
Starter's pistol. Once they fix the tech difficulties, Zack will do a countdown. It hasn't started yet.
Sears Catalog.
Gosh golly gee, I hope Frakes and Sirtis show up for this one. Also, where's Interview with Rick Berman?
You see, the problem is that he's trying to kill or capture them. He should try reasoning with them.
Yes to both questions, I think. We can comment on the page, but the real action will be in the box below the picture of *shudder* Data.
The thing that always bugged me was how Shinzon created the Scimitar. That kind of thing requires money, facilities, and tech that noone else in the Trek universe has. It gets a throwaway line somewhere in the movie.
I haven't caught that yet. Any highlights?
Well, the movie we're about to watch technically doesn't exist anyway…
No, no, no. Sentient nanomachines are good. Also sentient machines that are the size of a breadbox, or sentient machines that are 87 AU wide. It's sentient, human-sized cyborgs that are bad. Don't you know anything?
I do have to get up early tomorrow morning… I better stick with Raktajino.
Who says you can't? That's a filthy lie!
There's 'The Enterprise Incident' from TOS. I think that qualifies as a 'fun episode with Romulans'.
Paused on Paramount; got it.
You're asking him to… sour the milk?
Keep them tech issues coming! I, for one, am in no hurry to watch this sucker again.
You actually saved people from the movie.