Khanthrok Bonechewer

In a similar vein, I'd kind of like Sam Elliott to be my grandpa.

I could never figure that out.  The premise of this show just seemed so inherently implausible that I just couldn't get into it.  It's a shame, really, as it had some really good ideas, with the writing, character interactions, and direction being the highlights.

I liked her hair during the flashbacks to the Cardassian occupation.  During most of the series, though, she kind of looks like Guile.

I'll bite.  How do you get from 'China' to 'mate'?  These things are like six degrees of Kevin Bacon.

I don't get it.  What's creepy about an educational series?  I'm not trying to be snide, I'm really asking.  Is there an American equivalent?

I must admit: I laughed out loud when the film was revealed to be Waterworld.

"Honestly with Farrell leaving they'd have been much better just introducing a new character."

I also liked the Worf/Dax chemistry, and would be happy to ignore the stupid Risa episode.

I loved this series, and pray that someday it will be released on DVD.  It was in France as Les Mondes Eglouites, but it never in English translation.

Wow, is today's thread a trip down memory lane.  That series was based on the Saint-Exupery story, but was meant as something of a sequel.  You may recall that the Little Prince was based on the asteroid with the baobab trees, but would use comets as a means of transport so as to have adventures throughout the

Shine! Like the sun that lies beneath the sea.
Divine! Is the one we call Tehra!
Far! From the World we knew so long ago.
Ours! is the land Arkadia.

Today's Special!  It's for everyone.
Today's Special!  Come join in the fun.
There's magic in the air.
There's magic everywhere!
Today's Special!

That'll teach me to read down in the comments before posting.

As a child who entered consciousness o/a 1983, the Canadian shows I got were on early Nickolodeon: namely Today's Special, You Can't Do That on Television, and Pinwheel.

Not the witch.  It was the serial killer Rustin Parr.  The movie and promotional materials heavily imply that Parr was inspired by the witch, though.

Sub-Rosa gets the worst grade imaginable.  An A—.

I seem to recall that TNG repurposed 'The Wrath of Khan' into a movie whose name escapes me at the moment.

I disagree with Eponymous rethinking this statement.  Nicholas Meyer did innovative things with established characters; while Star Treks 1 and 5 rehashed old plots with renamed MacGuffins.

Also, lovers of engines?

So, you didn't lie when you said you had to meet that ghost!