Khanthrok Bonechewer

Man, I had completely forgotten 'Inheritance'.  Judging from the review, my conscious mind isn't missing much.  Can I perhaps take this opportunity to reiterate how much I loved the episode 'The Offspring', and cried when Lal dies?  It sounds like 'Inheritance' is a pale shadow of this.

Can we perhaps make a Gentleman's Agreement that noone mention the Enterprise finale next week?

I think the quantum slipstream drive damages the ozone layer.

Excellent review, Zack, but I did catch one error: the worst kind of mad science is in fact the creation of an unstoppable army of mantis men.

Fair point on the self-referencing thing, but I think the community of commenters on the TNG threads are sufficiently consistent that it's at least partially justified.

I think that's what happened to Leonard Pierce.

Put the candle back.

Acquirus McGuffinus!

As an RPG geek, I liked the idea of a rich, multi-faceted, fully realized universe to play around in.  I am an absolute sucker for Continuity Porn.

What's really insult to injury is that the Season Two DVD set for Enterprise has a special feature entirely dedicated to how great 'A Night In Sickbay' is.  This is particularly poignant after Season Two of the Voyager DVD set has a special feature where Brannon Braga admitted that 'Threshold' was terrible.

Mr. Plinkett exactly put his finger on what I think to be the main problem with the film: the characters and the actors playing the characters just seem tired, disspirited and generally unhappy throughout.  It makes for a particularly joyless experience.  The end of the movie just leaves them depressed.  It's like the

Nope.  I posted that before I read Zack's post.

Also, Voyager goes away, never to see them again, resigning them to their fates.

I'm going to have to give it up for the classic:

You know, in some species, mating is initiated by the female.

That too.

No, that would be 'A Night in Sickbay'.

Um, what about The Film That Should Not be Named But Is Anyway and That Name is Insurrection?  Where should that fit in Zack's schema?

The only thing I remember about 'Attached' was that it turned out to be completely inconsequential.  This is not a good thing.

It's been a long time since I saw 'Dark Page', but I'll defend it.  I have two responses to Zack's arguments.