Khanthrok Bonechewer

Richelieu Jr - I had actually thought that you looked like a Zeon.

Man, what I wouldn't give for a webisode or something showing Q screwing with Apollo, just for the hell of it.

My wife and I are almost done watching 'Babylon 5', and I thought Franklin and Lochley were more or less restrained. Perhaps there were some moments where Franklin went over the top. but I think that the B5 production team deftly avoided the trap that 7th season DS9 fell into with Ezri Dax; namely, a tendency to

Mad props to you, Frakes.

Count me as another adherent to the 'Rascals is objectively awful, subjectively awesome' crowd.

Another great gimmick commenter! Too bad you can't really go back to that well too often.

Richelieu Jr, I love you like a brother (or sister, whichever), but the idea that Scott Baio is a serious rival for William Shatner as most successful TV star of all time is an idea that simply will not be countenanced.

Would that that were the case. Unfortunately, it's quite impossible, as they all became UrSkeks.

Kudos to Tasha Robinson
Pretty epic takedown, Tasha. Good work.

Enterprise does explore that theme a bit in their one-and-only Borg episode, 'Regeneration'. Archer does his level best to try and undertake a dialogue with the Borg, only to ultimately accept that they can't be reasoned with and must be destroyed. I'm one of the Enterprise defenders that you run into once in a blue

I read an article recently that argued (to my mind persuasively) that William Shatner is the most successful television actor of all time. I'm hard pressed to think of a rival.

Ah, if you could see Richelieu Jr with my eyes…

Not Wesley Crusher, that's for damn sure.

The person you're thinking of is Angus Scrimm. I gave him mad props last week, and I think the biggest deficiency of Ryan McGee's write-ups thus far is the absence of any love for Mr. Scrimm.

Tell it like it is, Jonathan. I sure can sympathize; the same thing happened to me the other day at the Food Lion.

I think it's a reference to Blofeld, the guy from the early Bond movies who would always be stroking a Persian cat.

They got a ticker tape parade in the closing credits, though.

One of the good characterization moments on Voyager is in an early episode where Torres tells off Janeway for pulling that 'You need 4 hours? You've got 1' schtick. It was pretty clear in the context of the episode that Janeway was just doing it gratuitously. One of the few moments in the series when Janeway wasn't

He's been around for at least the last couple of reviews. I'm a fan.

I don't think this was ever in the series, but I remember reading once in a Star Trek fan book that Ferengi initially used synthehol as a cheat in negotiations. They would drink synthehol, and get the other negotiator drunk. When they were found out, they decided just to sell synthehol instead.