Black DeviI Doll

I'll give her something to be sad about
I'll make that white bitch smile, from ear to ear! All she needs is some Black Devil Dick!! No woman in the face of the earf can resist! I'll even stick it in her ear if she wants.

And without teadoust there is no douchebag commenters here to state the fuckin obvious.

Oh, you think you're so smart cuz you seen a couple of French movies, teadoust? How 'bout Shaft, ever see that? Or Superfly? Those are great movies. Maybe you should take that dick out your mouth and start watching some real shit! Pussy.

Yeah, I'll bet you love snow, teadoust, you cracka ass cracka. You like anything that's white.

Jeff Dunham? Fuck that cracka! He's about as funny as my dick in your ass! Wait, that's pretty funny. Black Devil Doll is a bad ass mothafucka, hear? Don't go insultin me like that again!

This some dumb shit
This gotta be the stupidest shit I've ever seen! What's wrong with you honkeys, makin' movies about this stupid shit? Nobody wants to see any of that! Except for that Anne Hathaway bitch gettin it on with that Taylor Swift… that would be a good movie. An' it's obvious that the only reason Jamie

Mike Epps
Mike Epps' CD was the shit, mothafucka! That nigga's rappin is so good, you honkeys just don't get it! Just another example of The White Man keepin' a brother down for their own personal gain. Is Taylor Swift on this list? Fuck no! And that white bitch is so inessential, even Kanye West knows it! And that

teadoust, you're a pretty good actress. And by "actress", I mean you can act like you enjoy it when a black man is ramming his giant cock up your ass! Suck it, bitch!

'sright, teadoust. I told you I'm comin for your ass, you better watch out! Here it comes, mothafucka!

Fuck this shit! Bunch of overpaid honkeys making bad jokes and laughing at the camera. Even that Weekend Update isn't funny anymore. They need to bring back In Living Color. Now that was some funny shit!

A white bitch dies and Black Devil Doll didn't get to do it. Oh well, one more honkey out of the world…

OTP, not only will it make your balls rumble, it'll make your eyes explode and your dick hard. I'm talkin 'bout a movie so good, it looks bad, but it's actually good.

Nothin I like better than a bunch of dead honkeys. I'ma go get me some Oakland Fried Chicken and celebrate!

Film School?
Bitches, please. I didn't need no film school to make the documentary of my life, Black Devil Doll. And it's the best damn movie of the 2000's! Where's my $30 million, Mr. Sam Raimi? Fuckin honkeys keepin all the money to they selves, that's what that is. Let a black man have a shot at that. Go buy

Fuck Oscar! My movie didn't get not mothafuckin' Oscar! Know why - cuz the judges is all WHITE! They can't stand the thought of a movie about a black man taking back some for the brothas winning an award. They just gave one to Denzel out of pity and shame. Fuck them crackas!

I got your number, teadoust. I likes me some white bitches. They scream best.

Suck my nuts, honkey! You the first whitey I'ma comin for when The Man lets me out, hear me!

Never happen. There will never be a Black Panther movie, because The Man would never let it happen.

More like X-Crackas. Just because Halle Berry is in it, don't mean it's racially integrated. How 'bout some Bishop, or Cecilia Reyes, or even Bling. When does Black Panther get a movie, huh? At least that fine-ass Rebecca Romjin wearing nothing but blue paint. And Black Devil Doll can always approve a movie

Who really wants to listen to a bunch of crackas whining about movies and crap on the radio. RADIO! What is this, 1933? Crazy ass whiteys.