RL Dookiefuck

Simon, King of the Witches (1971) - it's an awful movie that isn't even very fun to watch ironically.

Did… did you actually read John Leguizamo's memoir?

McKinnon was great, as always, but Bayer was MVP this episode for sure.

Way to keep it real on the AV Club comments section Don.

Jesus christ.

Which One Vapes?

"how about a little Radiohead"

This gets explained in the episode. The cooling system where the archived hosts are stored is broken. All that unrefrigerated meat is attracting flies.

Which one vapes: Tit Liquid or Corn Cob Boy

no I'm pretty sure it's just talking milkshakes and gore

It's all a ploy to lose enough money to ensure he has another 20 years to continue not paying taxes.


Thanks for being brave enough to share your own shitty opinion for us to make fun of.

Yeah the only thing more tedious is the guy in every comments section during an election year bitching about baby boomers.

This site is officially dead I guess.

You had a good run, AV Club.

Yes, finally there is a place for you to read and talk about food on the internet.

To this day I can't order a chicken sandwich without calling the cashier Carl.

I guess I'm that weirdo who rents and buys shit from Amazon Video all the time?

I love the comics too, but I feel like they need to be heavily revised in light of what we now know about Afrikaa Bambataa