RL Dookiefuck

Most of what you listed is not subtextual at all, but explicitly signalled to the audience.

That's kind of having it both ways though. One of the primary qualities of this show is its unflinching portrayal of the "real" mechanics of the criminal justice system.

So we're three episodes in, and still no one is talking about this show's portrayal of black men as negative as possible. Half the scenes of this show are just Nasir being threatened by the mere presence of black men, or black men leering at him threateningly, or overtly threatening him. Even the black man who's

Viggo Mortensen in The Prophecy.

Look, I'll probably watch this. And I'll probably watch HarmonQuest. But I'm not buying a SeeSo sub until that MBMBAM show drops.

I mean you can suggest that I'm projecting, fine, but the subtext of the numerous lingering shots of scowling black men was pretty clearly represented in Nasir's terrified reactions to them.

Where is your straw man? Oh wait it's right there.

Really? The hardworking, close-knit family of working class immigrants? The attorney who's harried but unwilling to let an underdog get chewed up by the system ? The exhausted but otherwise circumspect NYPD beat cops?

Man, I really hope so. Other than its portrayal of black men, this episode was just about perfect.

Loved this episode, and maybe I'm just sensitive because of all the racial tensions going on in real life right now, but did anyone else feel like every black male character was being portrayed as a negative stereotype?

Are you really wondering why three white guys are able to fit into the "buffoonish reporter" archetype easier than a black woman?

Yeah it was amazing how they edited that so the lady said "AT LEAST YOU KNOW IT'S DOODOO"

Game of Ones: A One Man Show Starring Paul Scheer

It only "brings people together" inasmuch as it arbitrarily pits your tribe against other tribes celebrating the athletic prowess of millionaires.

BREAD AND CIRCUSES makes for an unwieldy hashtag I guess.

That Santa Fe episode.

Gonna watch this at 5:45 with a whopper and a 40

No incessant Jeff Dunham specials?!!

At the very least get on Spotify or something and listen to the soundtrack.

Best Pixar movie is the montage from Up on repeat until it no longer affects me and I can slough off this thin shell of humanity once and for all.