RL Dookiefuck

The soundtrack and licensed music for this show is consistently top notch.

Heh, girls right?

AV Club just gave my new movie a C. I am NOT doing well.

What about getting rid of SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER every time I visit the site

Well if he were truly a real nerd like me he would be a sneering cynic unable to make friends or express enthusiasm for anything good in the world.

GTFO with your rage against "faux-nerd coporate culture" as if defining yourself by the entertainment you consume was somehow purer in the past. You suck.

Just as long as Pete Holmes isn't on the list. That dude is the worst.

Democratic platform in 2008:

This Guy Edits pretty much nails it:

So to sum up your argument: no one cares about platform but also policy is important to winning elections.

You say that as if the democratic platform wasn't chock full of "working class issues" and that policy somehow matters in today's electoral landscape.

The decision to back off of politics only when republicans take power is in itself a political decision, and a disappointing one.

This could be an insightful comment if the most recent Democratic platform wasn't the most left-liberal the party has ever put forward.

Best news today.

Wesley Snopes, obviously.


It's more like people saying you shouldn't make another "1984 inspired" TV show because it's a cliche that has been so overused that it would be impossible for the work to say anything of value today.

"Say, where does a young prostitute get started in this town?"

This comment section is like reading reddit.

This comment is vastly underrated. Goddamn.