RL Dookiefuck

I love that alley fight, with the dude who got his ass beat in the last fight literally throwing his friends into Lee's nunchuck blender.

And by "dancing with" you mean "openly fucking in front of everyone"

My moment was when the creepy obstinate nurse looks down and you see the weird bone horn sticking out of her skull behind her nurse's cap. Guh.

My dad is Mr. Dookiefuck, you can just call me RL.

Yeah it's amazing what being fantastically wealthy can do for your prospects.

What about Skip Tracer by Sonic Youth (1995, on Washing Machine):


Wayward Pines was fun for approximately 1.5 episodes.

If you're really concerned about story/world continuity across games, maybe Zelda isn't the series for you?

I hope he finds his… CREEEEPIES

Shout! Factory marathons have become the highlights of my month. The kaiju marathons last year were top notch.

That tends to be my reaction to lots of things with "fandoms". I hear about it, see its terrible fans, want to hate it because of its terrible fans, check it out… and then realize it's actually pretty great.

Fuck me, this comments section is somehow worse than the one for yesterday's Anita Sarkeesian story.


"And if you like Stephen King, you'll probably like my self-published book!"

Especially if every episode is padded with 15 minutes of advertising for merch and live shows!

You persist in conflating "sex" with male gaze.

Do you by chance have a list of games Sarkeesian has and hasn't played?

It is insane how full of shit you are with your faux-concern about crowdfunding and never-promised scholastic rigor.

Feel free to point out the social scientists who are doing this work.