RL Dookiefuck

If she hadn't made the point, her argument would be reduced to simply "Sarkeesian just wants more man butt in games".

How is FemFreq "from the outside"?

I love The Witcher series for so many reasons. It's moving the medium forward in so many interesting ways.

The thing is, there's not really anyone else even attempting this basic critique. It would be great if the analysis and discussion surrounding it could be more sophisticated, but… baby steps.

I wish that were true, but I think a lot of the same folks who hate FemFreq were also there to lash out at Roger Ebert. Any threat to the tribe gets the same shitstorm.

Technically, Lemmy was 70, but only for a few days.

Pusher is such a great episode. Killgrave before Killgrave.

One formative memory from 1990's that will always stick with me is seeing a porno ad with Gillian Anderson's photoshopped head, with the tagline CLICK HERE FOR SCULLY'S PINK GULLY

He's all over the ads that stream on the Shout! Factory roku channel, shouting "WAKE UP AMERICA"

I chuckled. I mean really, who would a horse even sue??

Mine is Ka's first verse on "Day 811".

This is the album that makes everyone re-write their best of the year lists.

You are not alone. Baroness was maybe my favorite band until the vocals in Take My Bones Away.


I don't look at it as trying to tell a cohesive story. "Godzilla in Hell" isn't a plot, it's a theme, with each creator expressing what they think that means in a single issue.

Check out Scioli's old webcomic, American Barbarian. It's great.

Gorgeous visuals but an incoherent mess.

Inventory: 20 of the Fakest Beards in Movie History

Autumnlands is amazing, but I'm surprised to see it at the top of the list here. I don't remember the AV Club ever giving it much coverage this year.

I mean, if you really have a hard on to see King Kong fight Godzilla, they made that movie already in the 1960's.