RL Dookiefuck

I honestly didn't care much about this kickstarter at all until reading this. RiffTrax has been going strong for years, and Mike was always better than Joel.

F2 is long (~50 hours or so), but F1 is maybe 25 hours if you stretch it out. A drop in the bucket compared to the time you'll spend in F3, NV and F4.

Play them, and play Fallout 1 and 2! They're some of the best games ever made!

120hz monitors (aka "3d monitors") have been standard PC gaming gear for like the last 5 years.

Months later, this has become possibly my favorite comic of the year.

Burris did a verse on OME's last full length, and it was incredible. I think they went to college together, or at least go way back to the days before they each became successful entertainers.

Which podcast? The rap one or the Adventure Time one? (They're both great)

I could come pretty close on the apple juice story, which may be the funniest joke ever written for stand up in the last 10 years.

I lost it when the girl shows off her Bugs Bunny and Taz shirt and Hannibal does his best LL Cool J.

I agree with this, the humor was a letdown. The music, on the other hand, was outstanding. Hard to do wrong with Flying Lotus as your house DJ and musical guests like Open Mike Eagle backed by Thundercat.

It's cool no one expects you to pay attention to popular culture here at the AV Club

Because we live in 1992 and the only viewing statistics that matter are collected by Nielsen families and not the millions of digital cable boxes and Hulu accounts that actually exist today.

I feel like this is the kind of disruptive message our brand needs!

No, we all got that point. It was, as you said, literally spelled out for us in its terrible script.

That and there's no payoff for the creepy basement.

But, like, the whole point of that book is that it's a book.

Between this and last weekend's Gamera marathon, Shout Factory has been absolutely crushing October. I don't usually have warm feelings about companies, but these guys got all the right moves!

That ending though!

Dracula 3000 is incredible, guys. Everyone go watch it.

On the contrary, I stopped listening because it got too self-referential, and too interested in fleshing out its mythologies and overarching plots. What was once fresh and genuinely unnerving eventually turned stale and over-explained.