RL Dookiefuck

Autumnlands is SO GOOD.

Ultima VII The Black Gate: The music that played when you took off on the flying carpet. The thrill and excitement of knowing that an entire world just opened up to you.

Pro-tip: the stuff you like is not an identity, and cannot be co-opted by others liking it.

Stella started the same month as Mind of fucking Mencia, and it was pretty easy for CC to see which horrible choice was going to make them the most money.

His appearance on @Midnight a year or so ago was also terrible. He looked like shit and acted like he was too drunk and/or high to make good jokes. It was heartbreaking.

One Stella reference that is primed for a comeback is "Remember Twumping?"

Nightmare Before Christmas is a real titfest.

Stairs? Duke Nukem 3d had stairs.

It's basically Cabin Boy.

Urbaniak is perfect on this show.

So this is two weeks in a row NerdWriter's videos have been featured on AV Club.

I just want to thank the AV Club for recommending Day of Reckoning in an article a few months ago about fight scenes. DoR is definitely one of those diamonds in the rough that I never would have found otherwise.


He's got a sleazy rep based on how he treated his ex-wife and Official AV Club Darling Elizabeth Moss.


I agree for the most part, but for anyone who's completely new to the KB+M WASD control style, Portal's an excellent training tool for developing those basic skills and muscle memory.

Shut up nerd.

It has at least become a nice litmus test to determine if someone is a normal human being or ANGRY REDDIT MAN

Yep. We're going to name a female character with daddy issues Antigone and start the whole thing off with a dead guy who's had his eyes gouged out by a "crow".

It was pretty galling to watch those scenes in the woods, with Velcoro noscoping commandos and running for his life. Then we pan back to our other hero… doing nothing.