RL Dookiefuck

The key point that I'm getting from this article is that Marvel is stuck in its old-school comics idea that fans follow characters, but that the industry is increasingly moving towards a fanbase that follows creators.

Man, I hate the Stone Temple Pilots, but their song is pretty great on this soundtrack.

Agreed. I was pretty shocked when it didn't rate a mention on the Best Films of the Decade So Far list.

Wreck-It Ralph was able to pull it off

I imagine if BAND A put out ALBUM BY BAND B, people would have been like 'What the fuck is this? it sounds nothing like BAND A.'

Yeah but that's not contemptible, that's hilarious.

Yeah it's called Synthwave. (and there's a lot of terrible/lazy synthwave)

That Todd scene could have been all 22 minutes and it would still be better than anything on NBC for the rest of the year.

It's great! His Revolutions podcast is really freaking good too!

And it only took over a thousand years!

Just because it's public record doesn't mean it's good form to have the venue's school paper put you on blast about it.


You can do that. You are totally allowed to go down and try fighting it out against the 50+ enemy soldiers and four tanks. The game does not stop you.

Hey let's make a Batman show all about Batman and beloved characters from the Batman world.

Bob is also the kind of guy who will say his favorite album of 2014 is something that came out in 2011, and everyone will be cool with that.

You could have fooled me. Go to any online discussion of Season 2's final episode and you'll see plenty of people telling others how they made the "wrong" decision.


So, when is TV Club going to break some ground and review a Youtube show? You already review HULU, Netflix and Amazon exclusives, so why not?

My wife and I can't eat ketchup in eachother's presence without saying "yeah, eat that ketchup. eat that ketchup until you die"

This comic isn't just relatable characters, gonzo storylines and sassy dialogue. The action sequences are unbelievably good.