RL Dookiefuck

Yeah they definitely focus on Wilfred too much. You'd think his name was in the title or something.

Yeah they definitely focus on Wilfred too much. You'd think his name was in the title or something.

The whole point of this scene is to set up the idea that Ryan's relationship with Wilfred is more central to who he is than his love for Amanda.

The whole point of this scene is to set up the idea that Ryan's relationship with Wilfred is more central to who he is than his love for Amanda.

My least favorite part from the first Nolan movie was when Lucius Fox explains some of Scarecrow's chemical compounds to Bruce Wayne, and dude is all "Tell me in ENGLISH (you fucking nerd)"

My least favorite part from the first Nolan movie was when Lucius Fox explains some of Scarecrow's chemical compounds to Bruce Wayne, and dude is all "Tell me in ENGLISH (you fucking nerd)"

Everything they've tried to do on this album has been done better by Ancestors just two months ago.

Everything they've tried to do on this album has been done better by Ancestors just two months ago.

I'm sorry but from the three preview tracks I've heard, Baroness has gone from making interesting and inspired heavy music to making radio rock so bland it would make Nickelback blush.

I'm sorry but from the three preview tracks I've heard, Baroness has gone from making interesting and inspired heavy music to making radio rock so bland it would make Nickelback blush.

I know it came out everywhere else in 2011, but Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy didn't appear on American screens until January. It should definitely be on this list. What a great movie.

I know it came out everywhere else in 2011, but Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy didn't appear on American screens until January. It should definitely be on this list. What a great movie.



shut up, dude.

shut up, dude.

holy shit goth brita. holy shit.

holy shit goth brita. holy shit.

There was going to be a Locke and Key show? And it got dumped?

Very cool band. They came through my town's music festival last month and they blew me away.