RL Dookiefuck

It's a great doc, but it's limited to American bands only. There's a lot of good stuff coming out of Canada and Europe right now, so don't forget to branch out a bit.

Also giant wolves and a dude with a flaming sword

They're not very proggy. I'd say on the prog influences spectrum they're closer to classic Floyd than Yes.

In Dreams and Time is the best album I've heard this year. But then I said the same thing about Invisible White last year.

I can't like this comment hard enough :(

It's time to stop using Lenny as a pejorative.

Any year Mitt Romney is running for public office is not a year in which we should stop using "White" as pejorative.

It's not so much that they stole boxing fans, it's that they found a big fanbase that boxing has forgotten to tap (young middle class white guys). The UFC would not exist if boxing had broken through to those fans first.

Six foot twenty, fucking killing for fun.

One of the most telling moments of this episode was the discussion of Pete bringing home the rifle from season 1. This episode was all about Pete's gaze (the hooker in the mirror was excellent), and what could be the most indelible scene of that gaze from the first season than Pete taking aim at the ladies of Sterling

Really surprised Finn didn't take greater interest in that sweet ass magic fire sword

I dig it, thanks for the post.

Do they have a big special episode where they each pick a non-English national stereotype to denigrate and emasculate through scathing non-reviews of said nation's vehicle exports, while also pretending the British auto industry is still relevant anywhere?

Nerdragin': No rainbow cloaks or drowning baptisms :(

He's gettin too old for this shit

The best thing I've seen JLT in recently was his guest spot on Children's Hospital as the non-imaginary imaginary friend.

Allison's career is the most confusing, since it seemed like he was front and center in almost every State sketch. I never would have thought that he'd languish in obscurity while David goddamn Wain goes on to (modest) fame and fortune.

History of Rome is an excellent way to make yourself a little smarter over the span of a lunch break. It's worth it to start from the beginning, even though he doesn't really hit his stride until the Punic Wars.

You're nuts, man. And I can't help you. Probably because I'm just a simple dude!

Regular coverage, please. This is easily tied with The Venture Brothers as the best cartoon currently running.