
Is it true if you watch it On Demand they have the full British version? I'm getting pissed off that they cut stuff out for the American broadcast. 

What I appreciate most about their relationship is how different it is from most of these cop shows where they start off combative but quickly come to have an alliance and like one another. In this show, they start of disliking each other, and like each other even less as time goes on. They do a great job showing just

Yeah, I  felt somewhat the same, but figured the point of Susan's story in that episode was to drive home the "how could you not know" idea. And lead us to suspect that Ellie might also be living with a monster and she doesn't even know it. So, in that regard, it was very good writing.

Every single actor is giving such an amazing performance, I can hardly decide whom I like best— and that's saying a lot, given my huge crush on David Tennant. When he's as good as he is in this show, and I still find other actors I like a little better in every episode, you know they've recruited a really fine pool of

I was thinking something the same: The father is covering for the son, who is really the one who killed Danny. And it was an accident, or in the heat of the moment, something like that. So I'm thinking it's either Tommy or his dad. And it was probably not premeditated, but not quite an accident, either.

Yes, I thought the same thing about Ellie's husband. He's obviously a "monster" of some sort, maybe even the killer. I am torn. My very first thought was, duh, it's obviously Ellie's husband, because that's just how these TV mysteries work. So, if it turns out to be him, I'll be all, "ha ha, I knew it." But I don't

I think Hardy chose to be seen as the incompetent cop rather than the cuckolded husband, which was all the worse because his wife was also one of his subordinate employees. He justified it to himself as wanting to protect his daughter, and that was certainly part of it. Career-wise, it was not rational, but in terms

Ha ha! Good one. :)  

I was right about what Hardy was up to with Sandbrooke! But I still don't know who the killer is. Rory… I mean Paul is looking shadier and shadier, but Nigel and the daughter's boyfriend, what are they up to besides stealing pheasants? Ellie's husband definitely knows more than he's letting on.

I thought the Sandbrooke mother was, sadly, realistic. Like every statistic you ever read about the families of murder victims or children who disappear.

I agree. He was the first one I thought of, first episode: Duh, it's going to be the nice family man and stay at home dad that no one suspects. I don't want to be right about that. It will ruin it for me. And yeah, it's not fair to Ellie. But it would certainly set up a whole new thing for next season, that's for sure.

Well, that's certainly a good excuse to watch it On Demand again tonight or tomorrow!

That was in response to last week's review (or was it the previous week's?) where the reviewer got it wrong and someone corrected her.

I suspected Ellie's husband this time, too. Susan and Nigel are obviously up to no good and might somehow be involved in whatever was going on that Danny got mixed up in, but I don't think they actually murdered him. Like Jack, it's too obvious. But Ellie's husband obviously knows more than he lets on about whatever

I agree that it was a little annoying to not find out a few more answers. How are they going to tie all those threads together in just two more episodes? A few stray observations—

Yeah, not the most graceful move on Hardy's part. But, hello. David Tennant. He doesn't have to try that hard to get my vote of approval.

Good point! Although, come to think of it, it actually adds another element: seductions, attempted or successful, to the show.

The other thing that occurred to me about this episode is the theme of people sharing confidences or entering into small alliances with unlikely people: Jack with Mark, Chloe with the journalists, Ellie with Hardy (when she tells him about Brian hitting on her because there's no one else to tell— they work together,

In the US, people are occasionally prosecuted for statutory rape if one of them is, say, 16 or 17 and the other is 18. Age of consent in the US is 18, so if you are 18 and you're having sex with your 17 year old girlfriend or boyfriend, you're technically committing statutory rape. Of course, pretty much the only time

LOL! OK, I misheard. Just when I thought I was getting the hang of David Tennant's accent, too!