
Yeah, they wore nothing but a fig leaf in biblical times. Get with it, ABC!

But dude, the talking horse though… *signs contract*

Raise your hand if you're sick of Ecbert!

Shirtless Rollo is one of the best things about this season (or any season, really).

I checked to look at AV Club's take on Vikings for the first time in a long time and find that Dennis Perkins' discussion is spot-on as usual. I pretty much agree with everything.

I call first dibs on Tom Hughes.

I don't like spy thrillers, generally. But I do love Toby Whithouse so I'm giving it a chance. Tom Hughes is not bad to look at, either.

That's because it's made by BBC America. Like Orphan Black is.

The church architecture looked pretty Anglo-Saxon to me. The sets so far this season have been pretty good. The costumes and hair continue to be quite fantasy, but the sets are pretty decent. I did love how Siggy was all hausfrau one minute, next she comes out with the shield and axe and her hair all mussed and tied

OK, now that I've actually finished watching and read the whole review and everything… DP, your reviews continue to be the most interesting and thought-provoking on AV Club. However, I still disagree with you a bit, or maybe I'm just a rabid fangirl, I don't know. But this show is seriously giving me everything I

Also: FLOKI FLOKI FLOKI FLOKI!!!!!!!!! I love him!

Oh no. Now I won't be able to get Bjorn!Hamlet out of my head.

Cocky Viking surfer presence. LOL! Describes him perfectly. As for the raping and pillaging: Vikings did that. Historical fact. I'd rather see them portrayed honestly than to have all that whitewashed over in order to create a more sympathetic situation for modern audiences. Personally, I'm a bit irritated with how

I am still watching this (West Coast time!) but the language porn! I heard Anglo-Saxon, Latin, and Norse so far. I SOOO approve.

It was NOT a C+ episode.D-Perks needs to reconsider. I think it was an A- episode at least. Yeah, the shish kebab scene was a problem. Some of the "hey can't we all get along" stuff was silly, but yeah, this was exactly what the fans wanted, and I can't fault it for that. Plus, my main gripe about Lagertha last season

I did shout. I even did a happy dance around the TV after it was done Yay Vikings is back!

YES! Baby goats. More baby goats. I couldn't stop squeeing. Also, I realized I might ship Floki and Helga harder than Ragnar and Athelstan. Really. Floki and Helga. Best. Couple. Ever.

I want to call you D Perks but last year you preferred DP, so, DP: what are you talking about? This was the best highly anticipated season premiere I've ever seen! It gave me literally everything I was hoping to see, plus some twists that had me worried for a moment and then, fuck yeah! It turns out Michael Hirst has

I second Orphan Black!!! Best show on TV. 

Yeah, ads for Torchwood: Miracle Day, which is so god awful I only watched out of sheer loyalty to Captain Jack and Gwen. It was painful. Or Copper, which I stopped watching at the end of the first season because it was awful, too. Real ads are bad, but ads for bad shows are even worse.