
I don't get why he didn't tell the police the whole story. That, to me, was a sort of false note in the story so far. What did he stand to gain by not telling the cops the whole story? Was it just supposed to be that it was too hard for him to talk about? Well, how could that be harder than being a suspected pedophile

The way Mark and Beth put aside their conflict for a moment and went through the photos and objects was so beautiful. I mean, sad (I was crying a little) but also just beautiful.

I noticed that passive voice sleight of hand, too, and agree that he's the sort who'd take responsibility. So I wonder if maybe he's protecting someone. Like, he would rather be seen as a failure and "not solve" the crime than give someone away.

He was amazing. I honestly think every single one of the actors on this show is doing a brilliant job. There's always at least one scene that brings me to tears and one that makes me laugh in every episode.

I loved it when Hardy told Miller, "Tell your son he's a good liar," and then something like, "and nice looking out for his friend". And that creepy "Susan". What's she up to? I think Tommy knows she's involved somehow and is trying to do something "undercover" to either protect himself or keep people from finding out

Agreed. She's very good.

I love their banter, too. Best part of the show.

Proud of myself! I was able to use the "piss in a cup" line this week. 

Hey everyone! I'm excited! This week I finally learned Arthur Darvill's character's name and stopped calling him Rory.

Every week I think it's someone different! This week, yeah, I was convinced it's the psychic guy.

What did he even cut his head on? Most of the time when you fall and hit your head you don't bleed. And if you do, it's because you banged your nose or lip or something. Or, I guess, because you've bashed your brains in. How on earth did he end up getting some weird little cut behind his ear?

I love the Tenth Doctor. But I'm crushing awfully hard on Alec Hardy. The Doctor is probably too optimistic for me. I need someone as misanthropic and grumpy as I am.

First two seasons were surprisingly good. Third was horrible. I just saw the trailer for the fourth and the trailer, at least, looks great. Looking forward to next season.

Sure, but does your clone like it?

We just got "Spartacus" and it's probably going to be the weekend binge around my house. I hear Lucy Lawless has some hot lesbian scenes.

Totally agree about "Top of the Lake". I could barely watch the last three episodes. Everyone seemed like a cardboard cutout of someone's idea of a victim or perpetrator and it was just all so grim.

Damn you, AV Club! I'm already so tempted to binge watch "Broadchurch" but I'm sort of dedicated to watching it as it airs each week so as to spread out the enjoyment. Thanks for making it even harder to hold myself back.

I was actually considering re-watching the whole series… again… this weekend. I can't wait till next season.

The second isn't all that great, either, though it's better than the first. There are moments when I get the appeal of this show, then it is totally lost in a bunch of overly convoluted and, ultimately, not very sensible plots.

Stop! Stop! I don't know if my mind (or something) can take so much awesomeness! I don't think anything could be better than Gustaf and Alexander dueling it out in "Vikings".