
I feel like we see Askars screaming, I did not sign up for this shit! Which is why I hope he leaves and makes this the last season of True Blood. there's not TB without Eric.

Turning to goo in Eric's arms. So many feels.

Eric! He has the best lines and part this season, and has consistently turned in the best performance. I've always loved him, but this season there's no competition. The werewolf plot has to stop, NOW. It's horrible. Beyond horrible. Awful. Alexander Skarsgard is giving his brother, Gustaf (Floki in "Vikings") a run

True Blood has been on a relatively slow downward spiral for at least 2 seasons now.  Right now, hearing the lines, "please fuck me" "humanity coursing through you"… who writes this shit? Really? It's just awful. But it's been creeping up on us for a while now. It just needs to end. Now. ASAP.

So right! That's what does me in. The politics are so ridiculous. Can't we just get back to good old fashioned sucking and fucking, like what made True Blood good in the first place?

Sookie's tits and hard nipples. We see them. It's good.

Whatever they said at Comic Con aside, this show needs to end ASAP. It's gone past the point where hardcore, loyal, diehard fans like me want to keep on suspending disbelief. I wish they would find a way to end this gracefully, rather than have me just stop watching and not care how it ends like I did with the Star

You forgot the awesome shot of Steve Newlin as seen through the bloody glass bulltethole. That was, visually speaking, really amazing. 

Totally agree with the Pam flying thing! She's only around 100 years old. Vampires can't fly (in the True Blood/Charlaine Harris world until they're much, much older).

The beauty of fucking the pain away is there's always more pain, and more pain requires more fucking, but… there wasn't enough fucking in this episode to make it worth my pain.

Hey, at least it looked like natural cooch, instead of the same merkin they paste onto every other actress they hire for the show nowadays. I never thought I'd get irritated with a show that has nudity, but the imbalance between full frontal female and full frontal male is pissing me off.

Did anyone else notice at the end, Sookie was fucking a Weeping Angel!

I'd stand a chance with Cosima. Actually, I've met plenty of people like her (being from the same background), and somehow we never hit it off. I do sort of have a thing for Alison. She is such a mess that I know we'd fall madly in love, have a passionate affair, followed by the kind of breakup you read about in

I was turned off at first, too, by mention of Weeds, but the show is nothing like it. It's much better. Did I mention that Jodie Foster even directed the third episode?

I've been like some kind of Orphan Black evangelist. I've been raving so hard about it all over the place, I've managed to get about half a dozen people hooked on it. And they tell their friends and they tell their friends, and so on and so on and so on.

I love, love, love Doctor Who, but Orphan Black is better in some ways. First, it's actually science fiction. Good science fiction, at that. Doctor Who is, well, Doctor Who. There's nothing else quite like it. But we're actually at the stage now with cloning of mammals that it's within the realm of imagination that

I came here to grouse about it! What idiots. Just proves it has everything to do with politics and popularity, not talent. She deserves every acting award there is!

The werewolf plots have always been the weakest part of the show, and this one is just so far beyond bad I can't even watch it. I usually fiddle with my phone or computer until I hear vampire voices back on screen again. I really want to throw a grenade at the whole pack every time I see them.

He's the only thing worth watching this season. His performance is good, and of course, they're keeping him mostly shirtless the whole season, which makes up for any other deficiencies he might have. But I can see him wanting to leave. His career has taken off, and he probably wants to do other things.

Someone, help me. Why am I still  watching this show? For an episode called "Fuck the Pain Away" there wasn't enough fucking and way too much pain… for the viewers who actually sat through the whole thing.