
I'm glad they chose her, just because I'm sick of Van Sant being the automatic go-to choice for anything dealing with edgy sexuality. Out with old, in with the new.

I saw Kon-Tiki two weekends ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt that the shark scene was unnecessary, though, and I hope they didn't actually kill a shark.

Love Orphan Black!  I spent a good chunk of last weekend watching it all again with my son, getting him hooked on it, too.

She won the Critic's Choice award for Best Actress, so hopefully she'll get noticed for the Emmy, too.

I used to live there. Still miss it sometimes, especially the "Pink Moment" sunsets.

My daughter put Cabin in the Woods in our Netflix queue because it had Chris Hemsworth in it, then it sat around the house for about 4 months before we watched it. I thought it was just some slasher flick, which I despise, and didn't even know it was a Joss Whedon film. We finally watched it one night and I loved it

My weekend? Sank the entire evening Friday and all day Saturday on Doctor Who… again. "Nightmare in Silver", "The Christmas Invasion", "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances", "The Idiot's Lantern"… pretty much all the Ninth Doctor episodes with Jack Harkness.. a bunch of clips and outtakes on YouTube. I think there

@avclub-310690a9a271cfb392f8a4a807bdd5c0:disqus My alma mater, too!

I still hope he gets more of his own storyline next season. This season he was just a little too "straight girl's best accessory", but I still loved his part. He had all the best lines. I just want to see more of his own life, that's not all about being loyal to his sister. Like, this season, he had the little thing

Embarrassing confession: I remember Paul as Dr. Chris Hughes on "As the World Turns." He started off all nice and trustworthy there, too, and then he went bad, so part of me is all, "Don't trust Dr. Hughes!" 

I am watching the old episodes now, and that still bugs me. But in the old ones there seems to be less "flirtation" built into the Doctor/companion dynamic than there is in the reboot. It seems a bit more teacher/student or older brother/younger sister in the old. But this time around there's a definite sexual charge,

I freely admit it was the hot young guys with manic energy that finally convinced me to jump in and start traveling the Whoverse. Grumpy middle aged guys…a dime a dozen in my world! But I'd enjoy watching an older, grumpier doctor as long as he was hilarious and paired with a middle-aged female equal, not "a mystery

Mine would say, "My other me is a housewife".

Yeah, I think she knows more about neolution than she's letting on, but eventually she realized they'd misled her or whatever, and  she attempted to sever ties by leaving England for Canada. We just have to trust that, because she has always been a good mother to Sarah, Felix and Kira, she will continue to be, well, a

Oooh. I can totally see that and love the idea! And I can see how after the drama dies down, Sarah will totally appreciate and bond with Mrs. S over it.

I am a Doctor Who newbie (but lifelong Trekkie, so at least I know a bit about TV sci-fi fandoms). The RTD era had a playfulness and lightness that made it fun, and David Tennant's portrayal seemed to mesh perfectly with the writing and overall vision. Moffat has a much darker vision, which, being a gloomy, dark sort,

@avclub-298673367c6de609ae5970ce1e699c50:disqus  The way you explain it it totally makes sense, especially when you consider the sheer volume of information they have to process. I'm not specialized in this field, and the way they crunched it down for TV seemed really loopy. But yeah, now that you explain it, it makes

Yeah, well, that's standard for a lot of cop TV and movie dramas, right? No matter how dirty they are in other ways, they always stick up for their partner? 

Whoa! That figures. Somehow I didn't catch that.

Hey, I noticed that, too! Just make her American. Besides, they don't have an American clone yet, right? Cosima and Alison are Canadian, right? Or?